See our 2025 Events Page             Open House on  Saturday,  April 25th at Androscoggin Wooden Boat Works

Welcome to New England Lyman Group.

Founded in 1999 with the mission and purpose of promoting the use of Lyman boats, but also to support activities that promote youth involvement and interest in wooden boat building, repair, and maintenance.

We are an active group of local enthusiasts who love our boats and love to use them. We publish a newsletter for our members 3 to 4 times a year. For our meetings, we generally try to have something to attract our members, guests, and Lyman loving friends.

If you own a Lyman, had a Lyman, want a Lyman, or just want to talk about anything to do with lapstrakes, consider joining us. Just stop by for one of our upcoming events. We welcome all lapstrake lovers regardless of the manufacturer! It doesn't matter if that is EM White, Cruiser's Inc, Thompson, Penn Yan, Century, or any of the many others that produced these fine boats of a great seaworthy design.


To donate or pay your dues, click the button below. If you’re a new member, please fill out this form.


We support the following organizations through donations & scholarships.


Lowell’s Boat Shop

Lowell’s Boat Shop is a National Historic Landmark and working museum dedicated to preserving and perpetuating the art and craft of wooden boat building.


The Landing School

The Landing School is a full-time, nonprofit accredited post-secondary school that blends education in modern yacht design, boat building and marine systems technology under one roof.


New Hampshire Boat Museum

The New Hampshire Boat Museum is an educational organization focusing on the boating heritage and life on the lakes and rivers of New Hampshire.